
Customization​.Youcanpassthetransformeranyargumentsacceptedbythe@mozilla/readabilitypackagetocustomizehowitworks.,Readability2.0.Mission:MeetorExceediOSReadability,establishFirefoxforAndroidasthemostreadablebrowseroutthere.Reads.Algorithmdescriptionof ...,2023年12月15日—AstandaloneversionofthereadabilitylibraryusedforFirefoxReaderView..Latestversion:0.5.0,lastpublished:3monthsago.,Astandalonev...


Customization​. You can pass the transformer any arguments accepted by the @mozilla/readability package to customize how it works.


Readability 2.0. Mission: Meet or Exceed iOS Readability, establish Firefox for Android as the most readable browser out there. Reads. Algorithm description of ...


2023年12月15日 — A standalone version of the readability library used for Firefox Reader View.. Latest version: 0.5.0, last published: 3 months ago.


A standalone version of the readability library used for Firefox Reader View. Installation. Readability is available on npm: npm install @mozilla/readability.


A standalone version of the readability lib. Contribute to mozilla/readability development by creating an account on GitHub.

Readability (閱讀器)

Readability (閱讀器). 功能描述:將網頁轉換,把非文章內容的部份(廣告)移除,提供一個乾淨、舒適的版面,更適合閱讀長篇文章。

Readability based Reader View

2023年1月14日 — 下載Firefox 上的Readability based Reader View。strips away clutter like buttons, background images, and changes the page's text size, ...


Readability.js. A standalone version of the readability library used for Firefox Reader View. Usage on the web. To parse a document, you must create a new ...

利用Firefox 閱讀模式檢視乾淨的網頁

Firefox 的閱讀模式是可以移除網頁中干擾物的功能。它能移除按鈕、廣告、背景影像等雜亂的內容,還可以自訂文字大小、排版與主題,提供更純粹的閱讀體驗。

電子書閱讀器上的瀏覽器[Day11] 移植Firefox 閱讀模式

第一個想法自然是找Readability.js 來使用;一來它是Open Source 的,二來,許多瀏覽器的閱讀模式也是從它延伸而來的。用它的話,網路上可以找到的資源也會比較多一些。